RD-blog-number-3912 by Herb Zinser reviews the Brave New World social psychology war in the United States of North America. The social psychology WAR use language symbols, accounting numbers, and concepts as input commands to the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR and its tax system.


The signaling EVENT ..... the airplane above --> and the LAX airport ..... that revealed the TRANCE technique.

2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting

On November 1, 2013, a shooting occurred at around 9:20 a.m. PDT in Terminal 3 of the Los Angeles International Airport. Paul Anthony Ciancia, aged 23, has been accused of opening fire with a rifle, killing a U.S. government Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officer and injuring several other people.

Walking up to a TSA checkpoint, he pulled the rifle out of the bag and opened fire, shooting TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez in the chest "at point-blank range".


Thus the EVENT that attracted attention.

Using SYMBOL MACHINE word analysis tools ...we can better understand the message ... and the components that generated the signaling EVENT.

Of interest is the language TRANCE technique to control the large populations of adults in North America.


The above TAX FORM 1040-EZ is used for modern manipulation TAX --> T + AX --> ThoghT AXONS --> route to the Central Nervous System 370 bio-computer subroutine --> Brain cell TAXadermist program.

Thus we see the LAX shooting components ........

TAX FORM 1040-EZ shooting of TSA officer Hernandez.

Thus the SYMBOL MACHINE link from
1040-EZ to proper noun Hernandez...... letters ..
.........EZ -------------------------------> ez


JOINT FILERS WITH NODE --> bio-computer system NODE

Thus we have Nature's metabolism tax system with the system node .......... metabolism node per proper noun --> Hernandez.

TAX FORM 1040-EZ shooting of TSA officer Hernandez.

Thus the SYMBOL MACHINE link from 1040-EZ to proper noun Hernand + ez.

What is the math symbol that creates the brain coma ..the brain trance?

The usage of entire trance transcendental functions --> symbol equations .... photon input to the eye/optical nerve --> photon/symbol commands to the brain computer SYMBOL processor .

Transcendental function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A transcendental function is a function that does not satisfy a polynomial ... The converse is not true: there are entire transcendental functions ƒ(z) such that ƒ(α) ...
‎Definition - ‎Examples - ‎Algebraic and transcendental ... - ‎Dimensional analysis

Entire function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... entire function. A transcendental entire function is an entire function that is not a polynomial. ... Every entire function f(z) can be represented as a power series.

Thus TRANCE fun/ pleasure of math tricks and manipulation ... approved by citizens, univeristries, and governments.

Thus math code --> ez --> below...



Thus we see ...in year 2014..how BRAVE NEW WORLD operates in daily life in North America.

Let's look at the language process in more detail.

RD-paper-3912 by Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns,verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".

Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities of the geography surface of EARTH





Now, let's look at more of Nature's  SYMBOL MACHINE  language concepts that are abused ......  English language trickss approved by Virginia TECH English Department and the Norris Hall brain engineering  CAD system --> Computer Aided Design of human  bio-computer CAD --> Cadavers  on April 16.


Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in ...


April 16 implies BASE 16 hexadecimal ........





What else is unique about April 16.

What happens between April 1 and April 15?

Tax Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Due to Emancipation Day in Washington, D.C. (which is observed on the weekday closest to April 16), when April 15 falls on a Friday, tax returns are due the ...



Tax Day by Tax Year - 2014 Tax Due Dates and ... - eFile

Tax Day for Tax Year 2013 - Filing deadline and due date for Federal Income Tax ... April 15, 2014,



Thus we have 2  tax days that we wish to study  ....


April 1  -->  

April Fools' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

April Fools' Day (sometimes called April Fool's Day or All Fools' Day) is celebrated every year on the first day of April  --> April 1
is equivalent to April F001 --> April F001 --> April Fo -->  April Base 16 Hex'Fo' = 240.
Thus April Fool Day is equivalent to   level 240  in Nature's view of the the IRS human accounting system,
Thus April 2 = 241
April 3 = 242 
April 15 =  254
April 16 = 255 = High-values in hexadecimal --> Hex'FF' = 255
Now, I may be off by 1 position.  More thought needs to be given this.
In other words  ....... what is the starting point for the displacement 
April 1 --> 240  or April 1 = 241
Base 16 hex authorities at Base 16 address  .... 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can tell you the minor details of their secret system.
Thus we see ...  that at Virginia  TECH  ... the  student / professor .... paying TAX season of April 1 thru  April 15    ..... and consequently on April 16 ..they went to a new phase in TAX technology --> the TAXadermists   at the funeral home.
 The English department can explain their  sense of amusement and their  brain WORD tricks,
Another example is the AX murder of Gloria Totzke.

Ax Murderer Gets Chance for Parole - 620 WTMJ ...

www.620wtmj.com › NewsLocal
A judge Friday sentenced a man who killed his mother with an ax to life in ... of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug.



Thus we see the code --> GLoria Totzke --> GL + Tot + Z + Ke --> General Ledger Totals  Z key





Gloria Totzke  ax  --> subset letters --> GL + T Ax --> General Ledger  TAX   ...... Nature's TAX system message  about April 16 ..... reflected by Hexadecimal Highway 16.







Thus we see TAX FORM command  1040EZ  --> 10 + 4 + OE + Z  --> 10 fingers  +   4 DNA Nucleotides  +  Order Entry   Z  ...... hence, EARTH accounting system  analysis at County Road Z and Highway 16 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin    .....with the Darwinian selection  for Z  --->  ToT  + Z + Key  -- > General Ledger Totals  needed/required OEZ --> Order ENTRY Z    ( Z of TOTZKE key).

Since Gloria and the community failed their accounting TEST  .... her community INTELLECTUAL  TAX errors --> she goes to the TAXadermists.


Above, last sentence words ..... her back -->  back --> implies social engineering process control FEEDBACK ERROR signal   ..... hence, the tragic signaling EVENT.



The last example of FORM 104OEZ   influence is the SYMBOL LIFE evolution signal.

Thus we see an EVENT that displays  TAX  word evolution --> TAXadermists  


  • UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say

    www.jsonline.com › ... › Milwaukee County
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
    Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. ... with Zoellick at a carpentry business, is accused of knowing about Khan's murder but not telling authorities.
  • Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car

    www.jsonline.com › NewsWaukesha County
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
    Oct 8, 2008 - Tammi LaFave met Travis Zoellick on MySpace in mid-September, about two ... murder in the Oct. 1 homicide of 31-year-old Haroon Khan, who was ... was obsessed with obtaining a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and on Oct. 1 ...
  • Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car ...

    Oct 8, 2008 - But Haroon Khan's pleas were in vain and he was brutally stabbed near ... "Within hours of (Khan's) homicide, Zoellick confided to this young man what ... a Mitsubishi Lancer "Evo" Evolution sports car and possibly killing the ...


Thus we see English word code --> proper noun-

-> Travis  ZOE

--> Tra + vis + ZOE  --> Trap Vision  ZOE  

-->  Z + OE   ...or  OE + Z  --> giving   104OEZ   code





Thus we see the  SYMBOL city  used by  the eye/ optical nerve  ...... the city within the velocity of light.


Hence, we have 2 White Houses  is Sartre existentialism.


The physical building at EARTH geography address ...  1600 Pennsylvania Avenue 




The photon/electromagnetic  WHITE HOUSE and the  language, math equation, chemistry formula data stream of information that is received by the human eye.





 Thus we have some clues to 3 tragic signaling EVENTS that have some common denominators.    These EVENTS ought be studied to truly understand the problem and then  a fix ought be made in the  brain engineering education systems, television  manipulation systems, music song and dances of nonsense, etc.